RSR Elite Membership

Become part of this amazing online community of people who are working together and helping each other identify and overcome their limiting, negative and false beliefs that are holding them back, to be able to get closer to living the life and business they desire...

Whether you are struggling with relationships, finances, busines, health or any other area, this can help you.

A space where your voice can be heard, you will feel understood and supported, and you can learn from Tommy and other members of this amazing community.

What People Say About our Work...

Have you ever felt this way?

Struggling with procrastination, overwhelm, perfectionism, being stuck, loss of focus or clarity, negativity, impostor syndrome, stress, anxiety, depression, etc?


Have you tried positivity, affirmations, visualizations, and so many other techniques, and nothing seems to work?

It is not you, it is the wrong tools you have been taught.

That is why I decided to together this amazing community to help you start understanding how the mind works, how to start making changes, and get the support to be able to achieve this.

We came up with a much better way to start reprogramming your subconscious mind, and want to help you put it into practice.

Created by Tommy Walker - The Mind Engineer

Learn how to use Rapid Subconscious Reprogramming™ within this amazing Community


- Rapidly identifying and reprogramming false beliefs about yourself, others, success, failure, money, rejection, etc.

- Learn the tools to overcome anxiety, stress, lack of consistency, depression, guilt, shame, negativity, etc.

- Being in the company of caring people who will help you in your journey.

- Moving beyond self-judgment into self-compassion, while becoming more self aware.

- Meeting new people who understand what you’re going through and support you

- Addressing the resistance that may be keeping you stuck

- Learning from people who have reprogrammed many of their false beliefs using the powerful Rapid Subconscious Reprogrammingâ„¢

- Work in overcoming relationship conflicts and attaining the intimacy you've always wanted

- Learning how to truly love yourself, and feel more motivated and with energy to move forward towards attaining your dreams

- Discover your true self and ignite the purpose in your life / business

How Would Your Life Be If?

You learn how to cultivate unconditional love.

If you learn how to become free from negativity, judgment, criticism, fear, and rejection

If you felt supported and understood.

You learn how to remove your negative and limiting beliefs

You learn how to discover your true self and ignite the purpose in your life.

What is the Rapid Subconscious 

Reprogrammingâ„¢ - RSR Membership

As a result of Tommy's 15 years of studying and working on the mind for himself and thousands around the world, RSR is a life changing process for identifying and overcoming limiting, negative and false beliefs. It's a comprehensive and practical 5 step process that always work when you practice it.

RSR has helped thousands around the world, but we have found that people can still have questions and maybe be stuck in identifying their own limiting, negative and false beliefs.

This Membership was created to offer laser coaching for you and others in the community, that may be struggling with the same issues, to help them practice RSR and apply it in their life.

This is what you will be getting when you become a member of the RSR Community.

Live Sessions, Masterclasses and Laser Coaching

When you join the RSR Community, you will be able to access 45 minutes Live Sessions / Masterclasses / Laser Coaching we di bi-weekly.

Bi-weekly calls will Monday Mindset and will take place first and third Monday of the month, at 12.30pm EST. There are no calls from mid December to Mid January aprox.

Bi-weekly calls will be Wednesday Entrepreneur Unleashed and will take place first and third Wednesday of the month at 10am EST. There are no calls from mid December to Mid January aprox.

If you miss the live, you will have access to the recording.

Laser Coaching: Have someone share their struggles and let Tommy help them understand and start working on changing their beliefs around this to overcome the struggle.

In each Live Session / Masterclass / Laser Coaching, Tommy will talk about a specific topic around 15/20 minutes, and review the RSR Process to start creating a habit of it. 

He will then offer 10 minutes Laser Coaching with the RSR Members (Gold and Platinum), helping them identify their limiting, negative, and false beliefs, and work towards reprogramming them.

During these sessions, Tommy will also be answering questions submitted in the chat.

Members Community Forum

This is a safe space where members can ask questions, get support or offer support to others.

It's a place where people can share their thoughts, opinions, and insight to other members.

This forum will not be monitored or moderated by Tommy or his Team.


Forum to Ask Tommy Questions

This is a forum where you can ask Tommy and his team questions.

* This is only for Gold and Platinum Level Members, they can post questions for Tommy.

Vote for the Topic You Want Us To Talk About

Members of the RSR Community have the chance to vote for the next topic to be focused on the next session.

This topic chose will be covered for 10/15 minutes, and also will be featured in the Laster Coaching sessions.

Silver Membership Level - $ 27 / month

- You will one 1 on 1 coaching call with Tommy every 8 months

- You will get access to zoom for 4 x 45 minutes RSR Live Sessions, Masterclasses and watch Laser Coaching per month.

- Access to the entire recording of the zoom sessions

- Rapid Subconscious Reprogramming Course

- Ability to vote for the Topic for each session

- Access to Member-to-Member Forum to interact with other Members

- Recordings of the 2 Day Challenge. +7 hours of pure value, insight and tools

- For each 6 payments completed, you get one 1 on 1 coaching session with Tommy

Gold Membership Level - $ 47 / month

- You will get 1, 1 on 1 coaching session with Tommy once every 4 months

- You will get access to zoom for 4 x 45 minutes RSR Live Sessions, Masterclasses and Laser Coaching per month

- Access to the entire recording of the zoom sessions

- Rapid Subconsious Reprogramming Course

- Ability to vote for the Topic for each session

- Access to Member-to-Member Forum to interact with other Members

- Recordings of the 2 Day Challenge. +7 hours of pure value, insight and tools
- Access to the Ask Tommy Forum and ask questions

- Be able to be chosen for a 10 minute Laser Coaching Session with Tommy when you choose to participate

Platinum Membership Level - $ 497 / year - BEST DEAL

- You will get 1, 1 on 1 coaching sessions every 3 months with Tommy

- You will get access to zoom for 45 minutes RSR Live Sessions, Masterclasses and Laser Coaching for 1 entire year, the ones that take place bi-weekly

- Access to the entire recording of the zoom sessions

- Ability to vote for the Topic for each session

- Rapid Subconsious Reprogramming Course

- Access to Member-to-Member Forum to interact with other Members

- Access our amazing Full Follow Up Dashboard to measure your Mind Work complete progress

- Recordings of the 2 Day Challenge. +7 hours of pure value, insight and tools

- Access to the Ask Tommy Forum and ask questions

- Get priority to be chosen for a 10 minute Laser Coaching Session with Tommy when you choose to participate

Bonuses You Will Get When You Join Today

Elite Morning Formula

Tommy will share with you the same morning routine, the one he has been doing for the past 5 years.

The Science Behind the Mind and Behavior Book

Tommy will share with you a digital copy of my Mindset Secrets for Success book and also the audiobook.

Secrets to Develop an Entrepreneur Mindset Book

Tommy will share with you a digital copy of my Secrets to Develop an Entrepreneur Mindset book and also the audiobook.

About Tommy Walker - The Mind Engineer™

Passionate about Inspiring and Helping you Heal and Empower yourself to Become The One.

Tommy had open heart surgery when he was only 3 years and a half. This left big physical scars, also mental scars. He felt like the black sheep of the family, and was the bullied kid at school. He had many failed relationships, comes from a failed marriage and also many failed businesses. He was stuck, very negative, depressed, and playing it small for many years of his life..

He had tried many things before, and NOTHING seemed to work. That reinforced his feelings of inadequacy and not good enough.

In 2009 he met an amazing woman, and started working with her. Her teachings were unlike anything he had encountered before, but they were undeniably effective. She helped him change his life forever.

In 2011 he married again and has been happily married since. He has created 2 successful businesses, by learning the correct tools to overcome the challenges by focusing mainly on the mindset.

He has been an entrepreneur for over 27 years and has studied and worked on the mind for over 15 years.

He has reached over +150 thousands of people and has been invited to offer lectures around the world.

He is now living his dream life, living with his wife and kids in the mountains. 

He has combined the best practices out there in the world and developed Rapid Subconscious Reprogrammingâ„¢, a proven system that combines coaching, neuroscience, therapy, spirituality, inner child connection, acceptance and commitment therapy - ACT, self-awareness, and emotional intelligence. By integrating the best practices from these fields, Tommy has crafted a holistic approach that addresses the underlying causes of self-limiting beliefs and empowers individuals to break free from their constraints.

Rapid Subconscious Reprogrammingâ„¢ helps people identify their negative programming in their subconscious mind, that came from past negative experiences. Most people are not even aware of the negative self image and stories they have around love, money, success, freedom, etc, and how these are running their life.

Tommy guides you in accessing your subconscious mind with unconditional love, facilitating a profound exploration of how and why these negative programs were created. By understanding what these programs are "protecting" you from, you gain the ability to heal and reprogram past events, ultimately liberating yourself from their grip forever.

Tommy wants to remind us that we are meant for greatness, and by connecting with your true self, you will be able to start living the life you deserve. True love, joy, happiness, abundance and freedom are our innate gifts, he wants to help you reclaim what belongs to you.

96% of the people that work with Tommy, start feeling and experiencing some changes in the first couple of weeks.

Follow Up Dashboard 2.0

Tools To Measure Your Mind Work Progress

Being able to see palpable progress with the Mind Work was very difficult...

For many years I have been doing research to put together the best tools out there, finally here
Available for Platinum Members

Here is what you are getting today

depending on the membership

✅ 1x 1 on 1 Sessions per month with Tommy ($3,600 Value)

✅ Bi-weekly 45 / 60 - minute Live Sessions and Masterclasses + Laser Coaching with Tommy. Mindset Monday and Wednesday Entrepreneur Unleashed ($4,800 Value)

✅ Access to Member-to-Member Forum to interact with other Members  ($200)
✅ Access to the Ask Tommy Forum and be able to ask questions ($997)

✅ Participate in voting for the Session Topic ($297)

​✅ Rapid Subconscious Reprogramming Course ($4,997 Value)

✅ Access to the Follow Up Dashboard 2.0 ($1,997 value)

✅ 2x 45-minute Private Calls 1 on 1 with Tommy ($800 Value)
✅ ​Bonus #1: Tommy's Morning Routine ($597 Value)

✅ ​Bonus #2: Mindset Secrets for Success Book and Audiobook ($33.95 Value)

✅ ​Bonus #3: Mindset Secrets for Entrepreneurs Book and Audiobook ($33.95 Value)

​✅ Bonus #4: +9 hours of the 3 Day Unleashing Challenge Recording ($1,997 Value)


Total Value $25,149.90

Love it, or give it back... zero risk.

I have been studying and working on the mind for over 14 years, with thousands of people around the world. I know how powerful these tools are. You can check what people say about my work below...

My life mission is to help people recognize their true potential, and have the life and/or biz they desire.

So if you don't like this, I am ok giving you back your money.

Try it for 30 days, and if your don't like it we will refund your money.

What do People Say About Us?

96% of the people I work with start feeling and experiencing some changes 

in the first couple of weeks, check these testimonials.

More Testimonials...


Copyright - The Mind Engineer / Unleashing Your Mindset For Success

Benefits Disclaimer

The Mind Engineer, Unleashing Your Mindset for Success and Tommy Walker don't intend to claim to diagnose or treat any specific conditions. We cannot guarantee that you will get physical, emotional, mental, financial, or psychological results. We have seen many results from lots of people that have put in practice the tools, ideas, recommendations, strategies, etc that we share. But we cannot guarantee our results, individual results vary.

All the material The Mind Engineer, Unleashing Your Mindset for Success and Tommy Walker share is intended for educational purposes only. This is not a substitute for individual medical, psychological, legal, financial advice. The Mind Engineer, Unleashing Your Mindset for Success and Tommy Walker doesn't offer any legal, medical, tax, financial, or other professional advice.

You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions, and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstances.

Check here to see all our Terms and Conditions